Shiveluch Volcano, known as the most active volcano in Russia, erupted again 6 months later. As a result of the explosion, ash rains, which were effective in an area of 50 kilometers, led to 8-10 centimeters of deposits in some settlements. Life in the region has come to a standstill.
Russia, which has been in all the news for more than a year because of the war with Ukraine, one of the biggest disasters it happened. Shiveluch Volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula, located in the north-east of the country and containing 40 extinct volcanoes around it, started to act again after a 6-month break. The volcanic eruption in the region life to a standstill brought.
In a statement made by Russian scientists, following the eruption of Shiveluch Volcano 15-20 kilometers It was stated that ash clouds rose up to the distance. Ash rain covering an area of at least 50 kilometers, in areas close to the volcano 8-10 centimeters caused elevations in the range. It would not be wrong to say that ash fell from the sky like snow.
The last time there was such a massive ashfall was in 1964.
The eruption of Shiveluch Volcano is not surprising. Because this volcano most active is among the volcanoes. However, the intensity of the explosion led to an unprecedented natural phenomenon recently. Russian experts say that an ash shower of this magnitude last time in 1964 they said it happened. Images from settlements close to the volcano are enough to reveal the extent of the disaster.
What you see in the photo above is not snow. Rain from the eruption of Shiveluch a pile of ashes…
Although no loss of life was reported in the incident that took place in Russia, around the volcano life stopped. While the Russian authorities closed the schools, they temporarily closed some roads that provide road transport. Also, people living in the area reaching clean water It is also among the news from the region that they started to have difficulties.
Tonga Affected The Whole World Announced As The Biggest Volcanic Eruption Of The Century [Video]
You can watch some of the served footage of Shiveluch’s explosion below.
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