Vitalik Buterin: Crypto Winter Delights Many Investors

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin talked about the general state of the cryptocurrency market at the ETHenver conference.

Speaking at the annual conference, Buterin said that many people who are building something in the crypto space would welcome the bearish market to come again.

The term Crypto winter, which refers to a protracted bearish market in which cryptocurrencies are sold or traded horizontally, was formerly known as the year 2018. some part and the year 2019 almost all it happened. Cryptocurrency market in January 2018. from peaking then about 88% in decline 2018 in December of 100 billion dollars experienced a decline.

Stating that crypto has transformed from a market controlled by a small group into a more widespread financial market, Buterin made a statement on the subject:

Crypto winters are when many projects are destroyed. In these cases, longer-term and well-founded projects can survive.


Stating that he is not sure whether the crypto money market has entered the winter phase yet, Buterin said that the markets it needs to be fixed and just in case the crypto winter comes weak projects will be eliminated if will remain in the market stronger told.

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