Use Your Mind Like Sherlock with the Memory Palace Method!

The Palace of Memory, also known as the Method of Loci, known for its appearance in the TV series Sherlock Holmes, is actually a method of memorization dating back to 500 BC. You may have heard of this method before, under names such as Mind Palace or Space Method.

In a study conducted among students, those who memorized with this method It was observed that he showed a much better performance in open-ended questions. In the Memory Palace method, you use kanums on a familiar route as mnemonic objects for any terms and concepts you want to memorize or remember.

It may seem complicated when explained like this, but if you are interested, you can learn how to do the method we mentioned. in a simplified way and we will explain it respectively.

Let’s talk about the benefits first. Would you believe us if we said that it is even good for early stage Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly?

Method of Loci (We will call it Memory Palace in Turkish in the rest of the content), A useful method for anyone who wants to improve their sequential memory. It is also perfect for people suffering from cognitive impairment.

A 2012 study published in the Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy evaluated the effects of memory encoding strategies on elderly participants with mild cognitive impairment. After 10 weeks program Participants with MCI showed improvements in memory and other cognitive functions.

The reason why this method is effective is that instead of simply filling your brain with information, it is based on what you already know or know. with the spaces you create It depends on your ability to adapt. If you are ready, let’s start the application.

1. Let’s start by determining the venue.

bedroom, bathroom, kitchen

Let’s take the place you know best, your home, as a base. We need to determine the order of the rooms. Create a room sequence similar to the room sequence we provide below for your own home.

  1. Your bedroom, above your bed
  2. Your bedroom, the closet you use
  3. Bath
  4. Corridor
  5. Sitting room
  6. Dining room
  7. Kitchen

These seven rooms will now constitute your memory palace, respectively. However, you should pay attention to this: you should always use these rooms as you have determined in your mind. in order You will visualize and visit it.

2. Start placing whatever you want to memorize in the places you have determined.

shopping list

We will use a shopping list in this example. You can place any concept, formula or object you want if you have it. Remember, you are free to try anything you want to remember. Let’s say we want to memorize the following shopping list;

  1. Sweetcorn
  2. Milk
  3. Shampoo
  4. Carrot
  5. Chicken
  6. Bean
  7. dishwashing liquid

In the previous stage, we chose the rooms in our house as the venue. The first row was the bed in the bedroom. In our second stage, we put the corn cobs in the first row of the shopping list that we want to memorize. You mentally place it on your bed. You can even exaggerate it by imagining a big ear of corn sleeping on your bed.

Then imagine the milk on the list in your bedroom closet. Let’s put the shampoo on the shelf of the shower cabin. In this way, you can reach all other places you have determined. Continue by placing the items you want to memorize in order.

3. Walk around your imaginary place and try to remember the items you placed.

We are now in the final stage. Try to visit the places in the space you created in your mind one by one and remember which object you placed in each row. The route is very important for the method to be effective.

If you want to be able to keep the information you memorized in your mind for a longer time, constantly visit this place in your mind. We used seven places and objects with simple examples to start. As you progress in this method, you can start increasing the numbers to twenty, thirty, forty. Two items per position It may make your placement easier.

Remember, for example, if you want to memorize figures related to Roman history, you can create a historical place in your mind and even place human figures there. We only gave examples with the rooms in the house and the shopping list, but You have plenty of options at your disposal.

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