US Seizes Cryptocurrency from Some Hackers Backed by North Korea

The US Treasury Department seized a total of half a million dollars from a group of hackers working with the support of the North Korean government.

According to the statements made today by Deputy Attorney General of the Ministry of Justice, Lisa Monaco, some of the seized money ransom attacks, some from cryptocurrencies is coming.

US officials, hackers these money either in the USA that he collected by attacking health institutions or ransomware attacks they used to launder guesses.

According to Monaco’s statements, hackers backed by North Korea attacked some healthcare institutions in Kansas and Colaroda last year. Authorities began investigating these attacks after the events were reported to the FBI.

According to the information shared by Monaco, as a result of this investigation, North Korean hackers A new method for ransomware known to have been used. Authorities later reported this information. Seizing cryptocurrencies of some money laundering organizations in China also used for

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