US Regulator Will Clarify Banks’ Cryptocurrency Operations

According to investigators in the USA, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) did not provide sufficient guidance to banks regarding cryptocurrency.

According to the report prepared by the Office of Inspector General within the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the FDIC expectations about cryptocurrency could not communicate it clearly to banks.

FDIC warns banking industry about cryptocurrency how well you prepared In the report examining the steps taken so far is insufficient concluded:

“Because the FDIC has not clearly established procedures (in this area), regulated entities are unable to that they can act appropriately They experience uncertainty in finding it.”

According to the report published yesterday, the FDIC has not fully evaluated how to prevent the risks posed by cryptocurrencies to the banking system.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has so far taken a cautious approach towards cryptocurrencies and has put some distance between the banking system and the cryptocurrency industry.

According to the inspectors’ report, the FDIC filed a lawsuit against some banks both last year and this year. stop working on cryptocurrencies gave instructions that, but this break He did not clarify when or how it would end.

Taking into account the recommendations of the Office of Inspector General, the FDIC agreed to prepare a plan to determine what risks cryptocurrencies pose to the banking industry and to clarify the process by which banks’ connection with cryptocurrencies will be evaluated.

The FDIC is expected to determine an overall strategy by January.

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