Unable to access Spotify and Discord! Discord and Spotify crashed?

On the evening of March 8, many users reported that they were unable to access the Spotify and Discord apps. Starting around 21.10, Discord and Spotify users cannot access the platforms. Apps crashed?

Blow after blow from Spotify to Russia!

Despite its late entry into the Russian market, Spotify, which is active in the country, has made some decisions that will not please Russian users.

Spotify and Discord crashed?

While Discord users cannot access message and audio channels, Spotify users cannot access the platform. Spotify tweeted about the issue and said it was trying to fix the issue. Discord has been inaccessible since 21.10, while Spotify has been unavailable since 21.20.

Twitter users reported their concerns about the platforms via tweets. The hashtags #Discord and #Spotify became Trend Topic on Twitter. Although the reason for the access problems is not known yet, the applications recovered around 22.30.

Do you guys have problems accessing platforms? You can share it with us in the comments.

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