Unable to Access League of Legends and Discord!

A problem originating from Cloudflare has caused access problems to many platforms around the world. There was also a statement from Cloudflare on the subject.

One of today’s most popular server service providers. cloudflareis facing an issue affecting many popular platforms at the last minute. Cloudflare and applications and websites that use the Cloudflare service are struggling with access problems due to an issue with the service provider.

Due to the problems that started this morning with Turkey time, there are difficulties in accessing platforms and games with hundreds of thousands of users such as Discord, Omegle, Medium and Feedly, League of Legends and Shopify. directly by Cloudflare While there was a shared statement, it was seen that the company official also shared about the problem in a forum.

Complaints are increasing due to problem with Cloudflare



Statement from Cloudflare and company official:

Cloudflare said in a statement, “Users may experience errors or timeouts when accessing Cloudflare’s network or services” said. The company’s CTO, John Graham-Cumming, also shared in Hacker News under a headline that the problem is not worldwide, but seen in many regions. The CTO shared that they are aware of the problem and also know the cause. But he did not offer any information on when it could be resolved.

The problem started to disappear:


According to the complaints in Downdetector, users’ complaints about platforms are at the last minute. experienced a significant decline. This shows that the problem has been largely resolved. However, it seems that the problems have been resolved on platforms that benefit from the Cloudflare service.

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