Two dead after shelling on Russian border region near Ukraine

London: Russian missile attacks with a new strategy

According to British intelligence services, behind the recent Russian missile attacks against Ukraine lies a new strategy. It is unlikely that Russia wanted to destroy infrastructure with the wave of attacks on Friday morning, in which at least 25 people were killed, as previously announced by the Ministry of Defense in London on Saturday.

There is a realistic possibility that Russia tried to attack Ukrainian reserve units as well as military supplies recently delivered to Ukraine. Russia is pursuing an “inefficient targeting process” and accepting civilian casualties in favor of an assumed military necessity.

The April 28 attack was the largest use of cruise missiles since early March, it said. “The attacks indicate a shift away from Russia’s use of long-range strikes.” Fewer missiles were used than in the winter, when Russia was primarily targeting Ukrainian infrastructure.

The Ministry of Defense in London has been publishing daily information on the course of the war since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, citing intelligence information. Moscow accuses London of a disinformation campaign.

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