Twitter Employees Kicked Out of Offices for Not Paying Rent

It turned out that Twitter was not paying rent in its offices in Singapore. In the information received, it was stated that the employees were kicked out of the building for this reason.

Elon Musk has not been on the agenda because of what he has done on the platform since he took over Twitter. US journalist Casey Newton’s Twitter post sharing And the famous billionaire is now in the offices not even paying rent reveals.

Accordingly, the company’s headquarters in Asia-Pacific since 2015. in Singapore offices located in the CapitaGreen building. rent not paid on time. This situation also evacuation of employees from the building caused.

Musk hasn’t paid rent in some Twitter offices before.

It was reported that the property owners removed the employees from the building on Wednesday due to non-payment of rent. After that, it was among the information that Musk paid his rent debts. According to Bloomberg, staff in Singapore, which has been severely affected by the recent layoffs, emptied their offices after the events and fully until further notice. working from home started. Speaking to Bloomberg, a property owner stated that Twitter still remains a tenant.

Let’s add that Musk has made similar moves before. Recent news has revealed that rents at Twitter’s offices in Seattle and San Francisco not paid had revealed. In fact, earlier this month, a San Francisco landlord ran the company because of rent arrears. He even sued.


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Avoiding paying rent is described as part of Musk’s efforts to cut costs at the company’s global headquarters. According to Business Insider, Twitter recently Hong Kong, Philippines, Mexico It was also decided to close their offices in places such as The famous 51-year-old billionaire also recently took to Twitter to get rid of expenses. firing a large number of employees, cutting some of the terms offered to staff He was taking other controversial steps as well.

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