Some broadcasters have recently been broadcasting naked on Twitch, censoring certain parts of themselves with black tape. Twitch banned such content after the reactions.
Twitch has recently implemented with nudity policies was on the agenda. The platform first announced that it would allow some sexually explicit content, including artistic nudity. However, after the reactions, this decision was abandoned. Recently, publications containing more nudity have emerged.
In these broadcasts, which have been talked about a lot for a few weeks, broadcasters were appearing naked in front of the camera and censoring their genitals by applying black tape. There were also reactions to these publications, which fell within the scope of “sexual insinuations”. The company made new decisions about this type of content today.
Publications containing “sexual insinuations” are officially banned
In the blog post shared by the platform today, it was announced that such censored publications, which are described as “sexual insinuations” and are widely talked about, were banned. Twitch said in its statement:“content where streamers use black tape to cover their bodies” He stated that he made such a move because of this. The company added that the decision came into force today.
You can see the kind of content that Twitch is talking about in the images above. You don’t care about gender This trend, used by many publishers, has increased with the spread of obscene content in the last few months. The fact that Twitch is a platform frequently used by children and that users do not want to see such content caused reactions to Twitch on social media:
Limits Are Being Pushed on Twitch: They Broadcast Naked and Tape the Screen! (Reactions Grow Like an Avalanche)
Twitch’s statement regarding its nudity policies:
“We do not allow streamers to be fully or partially nude, including buttocks and genitals. We also do not allow broadcasters to imply that they are fully or partially nude, including covering breasts or genitals with objects or censorship bars. Visible outlines of genitals are not allowed, even if covered. It is always prohibited for minors to appear nude or partially nude in publications.
“For female broadcasters, we ask that you cover your nipples and do not expose your under breasts. As long as it is obvious that clothing is worn cleavage is free. For all broadcasters, the area extending from the hips to the lower part of the pelvis must be covered.”
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