Turkey’s Newest Job Search Platform: Introducing cvland!

A new job and personnel finding application started to serve in Turkey. The application, which serves under the name cvland, provides great advantages to both job seekers and employee seekers.

Finding a job to work in Turkey is also a job. find staff to work also quite difficult. Employees find it difficult to find employees who offer the opportunities they seek, and employers who meet their requirements. Therefore, online service job search platforms It’s getting more and more popular every day.

In this news, Turkey’s newest job and employee finding application cvlandWe’ll talk about. Offering a very easy to use platform, the number of users continues to increase day by day.

There will be no need to prepare a CV for hours!

Creating a CV, job search process is the most painful part. Because employers want to see candidates’ CVs first. Being aware of this situation, cvland has made the process very easy. All you have to do is download the cvland mobile application and enter the requested information after completing the registration process. The application provides information about you. automatically It turns it into a CV.

The advantage that cvland offers to job seekers is not only this. in practice verified account system will be. Users who upload videos about their career to cvland will have a verified account and will stand out from their competitors. “What will I say in the video?You don’t need to think. cvland for you in the light of the information you provide. will auto-generate text. You will just stand in front of the camera and read this text.

It will be easier for employers too!

job search platform

cvland will offer important advantages not only for job seekers, but also for employers looking for employees. So much so that an employer, instead of advertising and dealing with the CVs of hundreds of candidates, is looking for a job in that field. to the list of candidates can easily reach. The employer, who can examine the profiles of the candidates, meeting request can throw. If the candidate accepts, a meeting will be held between the two.

Employers can access candidate profiles in terms of privacy It may have confused you. However, at this point, there is nothing to worry about. Candidates will be able to block the profile of any employer they wish. Also, the profile information. can be hidden.

You can watch the sample transcript for managers or engineers below:

If you want to have detailed information about cvland, you can download the iOS version of the application. from hereto Android version from here you can reach. For more detailed information about the platform and user manuals here You can use the link.

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