What is Social Exchange Theory? – Webtekno

“Is everything mutual in life?” If we ask, we will definitely get different answers. So what do you think social sciences say about this? Let’s examine it together.

In fact, it is a situation we often encounter in our daily lives. expect response. According to some, nothing is done for free, while for others, no reward is expected from what is done. That being the case, it often “No, is everything mutual?” Reproaches like these appear in social environments.

According to sociology literature, the answer to the question of whether everything in life is reciprocal is “Yes, everything is mutual!” and this too Social Exchange Theory They explain it with the theory called .

The roots of Social Exchange Theory go back a long way!

The first steps of this theory, which has very old roots, were taken in 1759. Adam Smith It is known that it was thrown by.

After the concept of social exchange in the 1960s The theory took its current form as it began to attract attention from other researchers.

So what is this Social Exchange Theory?

Social exchange theory is actually we constantly encountertheorizes a very familiar concept.

Simply put, our relationships and social interactions as a kind of shopping It offers a perspective from which we can see.

In other words, the theory sees our relationships as a marketplace; Between what we give and what we receive It says that we are in search of a balance.

The theory states that people behave in ways that mutually benefit each other.

Whether at work, in a romantic relationship, or even within the family, you constantly We will weigh what we give with what we receive It is stated.

Based on this, the theory states that if what we get from a relationship or situation is more than what we give, the relationship will continue; if not what if it will end or states that it will be reshaped.

In other words, if we do not receive any satisfactory benefit in return for what we give, this is the case. we will not continue It is said.

In other words, this theory states that mutual benefit and cost-income balance also have an impact on our behavior.

In short, when we humans give something in our relationships (whether it be our time, our energy, emotional support, or other resources), get something in return We wait.

For example, you take time to support a loved one. According to theory, your time It is a cost to you.

In return, you receive benefits such as support, trust and happiness from your friend. So what you get for your cost is income.

To sum up, theory is He doesn’t do anything for free, and argues that he expects to gain a benefit from the action he carries out.

In summary, it proves theoretically that nothing in life is free.

Source: Dergi Park, Research Gate

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