What are the words whose meanings change with one letter in Turkish?

Turkish is a language that attracts attention with its rich and flexible structure. The change of a single letter, which we sometimes use unconsciously in our daily conversations, creates great differences in the meanings of words. When you look at the examples, you wonder “What was I saying?” you will say.

These small changes also reveal the colorful and dynamic nature of communication. Changing or adding a single word the richness of our language We also see.

After realizing what changes with one letter both writing and speaking You will be more careful now.


One of the mistakes that almost many people make are these two words. “humble”, “humble” while “modest” means “parallel”. So if you say to someone, “You are a very humble person.” You may now be more aware of how meaningless something comes out when you say this.


Our other two words that we often encounter. “Naive” means “naive, inexperienced”. “Nahif” means “thin, emotional, sensitive” It is used for people. You thought again, didn’t you?


They both have different meanings. “Signification: Guidance, sign”, “Dalalet” means deviating from the right path.

“This remark made Hamdi Bey angry. “It signified that he had overcome.” You already knew the meaning of the sentence, but we thought we would give an example again.


Do you ever call some men “horny”? So when I actually said that word to them, I was saying, “In the northwest of Georgia, living in the east of the Black Sea You should also know that you mean “a person from the people or a descendant of this people”.

Yours “Not having sexual intercourse for a long time” For you to say “horny” You have to use the word.


We also have the hat letter problem. Immediately “Didn’t he get up?” Don’t say. Because the hat/caret stays where it is. “Text” in our example means “The whole of words that make up a text with its form, expression and punctuation features; to define “text”. “Metîn” means “durable”.



We have one more circumflex distinction. “Adam” has two meanings. One of them said, “According to religious beliefs, the first human on earth; Father Adam” and the other one is “man”. Without a hat “non-existence” is just “non-existence” means.


First impression or impression you say? Because those who said “impression” won “impression” meets its meaning. If “intibah” “waking up or waking up” means.

By the way, also “adaptation” We have the word. It is a summary of three definitions such as “harmony, the placement of an official in a certain rank or the consistency of the measurements of two things”.


It is one of the most common mistakes, especially in daily speech. “You’re going straight home.” Many people use the word “direct”. We think there is no need to specify the meaning of the word direct, but “direct” means ““directly, directly, directly” It is useful to know their meaning.


“My appendix hurts.” These ears heard the sentence! Even though there are two letters added in our words, let’s emphasize it because of the confusion. Appendix “The last part of the caecum, which is like a thin finger, at the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine.” while “appendicitis” means the infection that occurs here.



You may not use the word “dew” for the “uncooked or undercooked” situation, but it means “the dew that collects on the ground or plants with the coolness of the evening and night while it is in the form of mist in the air.” “little drops of water” Don’t be one of those who use the word “raw” for food.


For those who prefer to use the letter y instead of Ğ, one of the examples that show the change caused by these two letters is the words saddle and if. While “saddle” means “an object placed on the back of mounting animals and used for sitting” “if” is a word placed at the beginning of conditional sentences to strengthen the conditional meaning; if” means.

Act/Have Fun

Our example this time can be confusing sometimes. So let’s explain. “To act” is used to express the situation of “to deprive or deprive someone or something”. “He displaced me from my homeland.”

“Entertainment” is said to meet three different meanings: “to stop, to distract and to console”. “I was late entertaining the child.”


It is useful to pay attention to the letter u when writing, but not when speaking. “Group: The whole formed by things that are similar to each other or of the same kind; It means “cluster, team”. “Group” means “Moon, sun, star, etc. “the descent of celestial bodies below the horizon” It means.

Again in the names of group companies “group” You remember us when you see the word.


Are you an adversary or a relative? You decide according to the meaning of the words. “Adversary” means “enemy” as well as “the opposing party in a game, lawsuit or race”. “Kind” means “People who are connected to each other through marriage; side lineage It is used in the sense of.

Both adversary and relative There is nothing to say to what happened.



“Document stating the end of military service” If you want to say that, you can use the word “tezkere”. This word also means “compass”. However, if you write with s, things change.

“Teskere”, “stretcher It is included in our dictionary with the meaning of “wooden vehicle with four arms and carried by two people, especially used to carry materials in buildings”.


cult movie

“I want to watch a cult movie.” If you also use the letter l, we applaud you because you are saying the right thing. “Cult”, “Anything that attracts extreme attention in a certain period (film, etc.)” means. However, this word also has the meaning of “religion or religious ceremonies with local characteristics”.

Blunt means “non-pointed, short and thick, blunt, wooden, etc. The sound made when hitting solid objects, dunk It has many meanings such as.

There are many more examples that vary by a letter or space. However, these examples are in our daily lives. frequently confused our words. If it becomes a favorite content, the second one will be with you soon.

Let us also point out, all our words, It is explained with its meanings in TDK.

Which one do you confuse the most?

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