Torture Method with Bamboos That Can Grow 90 cm in 1 Day

When he learned the details of the “bamboo torture”, one of the most terrible tortures in history, he said, “I’m glad I didn’t come across that period!” you can say. Let’s see what this method is?

Bamboo torture, known to have been used in the early 19th century; It did not only include elements of torture such as tying, hitting and burning. Much more carefully thought out, It was a terrible method.

It is known that the bamboo torture used in Asia was so brutal that it The victim’s internal organs could disintegrate within a few hours. Let’s get into the details if you can stomach it.

Bamboo grows much faster than you can imagine.

If you ever experimented with sprouting beans at school as a child, you know. When you left it in the sun, you could see that it had grown in just 1-2 hours. Here are the bamboo visible to the eye they are growing fast.

Even if we were to say it with quantitative data Over 91cm in 24 hours may show growth. “So what does this growth have to do with torture technique? Do they hit their backs with bamboo or something?” If you say so, let’s move on to the scary method that will push the limits of your mind…

What exactly was the bamboo torture that would hurt you while reading?

In bamboo torture, the person to be tortured was taken to the forest and tied to a bamboo shoot. Speaking of sitting… With the bamboo shoot inserted into her anus. Although the first few hours caused serious pain, the later hours would become much more terrible because the sharp tip of the bamboo would cause internal bleeding.

Who was using this psychopathic method?

Today known as the Kingdom of Thailand, formerly known as Siam, is a culture with a diverse history of torture. Siamese soldiers in the early 19th centuryThey used the bamboo torture method in the incident known as the “Siamese invasion of Kedah”.

There are rumors that it is done not only by sitting on top, but also by lying face down.


In another torture method performed with bamboo, the victim is tortured by the growing on bamboo shoots on your back would be connected. Sharpened tendrils would begin to grow and dig into the person’s back. Slowly and very painfully, it penetrated the body and eventually came out the other side.

Moreover, bamboo torture was not only used by the Siamese; China, India, Japan It was also used in East and South Asian countries. Although there are written records on the subject, some claim that this is just a fabrication. This method of the Japanese dates back to World War II. It is also claimed that it was used during World War II, but there is no evidence of this.

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