ThunderLoop Team Will Represent Our Country Abroad

ThunderLoop team, which attracted a lot of attention in the Hyperloop Development Competition, will represent Turkey in Europe in the next step.

Elon Musk’s The hyperloop technology, on which it is working and which we will hear constantly in the future, is basically being developed as a 5th transportation system after land, air, sea and rail transportation systems and is one of the high-speed trains. 2-3 times fasterIt is likened to a railless train.

In Teknofest, a section on the development of this technology was opened and the competitors are here. their innovations had exhibited. In this competition, where high-potential works are revealed, ThunderLoop team wanted to not limit their innovations to this, but to put them into the enterprise.

Entered the top 10 as one of the finalists among 59 teams.

At this point, the team performed 3 different technical checks during the Competition Week. by successfully completing carried out the test of the prototype and had the opportunity to exhibit his vehicle. To the team for their determination and motivation, ”BEST TEAM SPIRITAwarded by the Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank gave it himself.

After that, the bar was raised to European Hyperloop Week.


Besides At Teknofest 2023 The team, which will take part in the competition, reached the third stage in the European competition and qualified for the competition. In the final event, which will take place between 17-23 July, the ThunderLoop team, to Scotland will increasingly represent our country.

About ThunderLoop:


THUNDERLOOP Team was established on January 26, 2022 by a group of 6 female engineer candidates for the Hyperloop Development Competition within the scope of TEKNOFEST. TEKNOFEST in the “Hyperloop Development Competition” category in the period of 2021-2022 As one of the finalist teams among 59 teams, we entered the top 10.

“By applying to the TEKNOFEST Hyperloop Development competition, we came together with people who want to develop this technology in our country and raced our prototypes. By successfully completing 3 different technical checks We carried out the test of our prototype and had the opportunity to exhibit our vehicle.”

His team’s motivation is quite flattering:


With our team of female engineer candidates, we have created awareness in this sector and adopted Hyperloop Technology. locally and uniquely Developing Turkey’s Transportation and Logistics A pioneer country on a global scale, a leader in its region We want to make it happen.

Contributing to the National Technology Move, which is the only vision that will ensure Turkey’s economic and technological independence, offering a fast, sustainable and economical solution to the transportation sector, and a company that they will prefer before companies in other European countries. a local and national transportation company we want to be

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