Samsung wearable robot Bot Fit is coming

Samsung has completed its work on its wearable assistant robot called Bot Fit. The robot, which was first exhibited at an event in 2019, seems ready to be released approximately four years later. Alright What is Samsung Bot Fit and what will it do?

Samsung named its assistant robot, which it showed as a concept in 2019, as GEMS Hip. It had planned to launch the robot in late 2022, but faced several delays. He later announced that his name was changed to Bot Fit.

According to the latest news from Korea, Samsung; He completed the development and mass production work of Bot Fit. The company aims to launch its wearable robot on the market between August and September 2024.

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Gemini update for Google Messages has started rolling out

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For those who don’t know, Boots Fit; It is worn around the hips and knees to help with walking, exercising and improving gait. It aims to reduce the metabolic cost of walking by 24 percent. Accordingly, it includes motors and sensors that will help increase the walking speed of people with mobility disabilities by 14 percent.

The wearable robot also monitors users’ walking patterns and provides feedback to help them optimize them over time. It aims to help you walk more efficiently by helping you with different exercise routines.

Samsung is expected to produce 100 thousand units of Bot Fit in the first stage. Although pricing has not been announced yet, it should be noted that it will be unrivaled in the market.

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