Why Aren’t Doors in Public Restrooms All the Way to the Floor?

Have you ever thought about the details of why the doors in the public toilets you enter are not all the way to the floor? All the doors are not a coincidence and rest assured, they have very valid reasons.

“What about privacy?” Don’t say that because doors not only protect privacy but also offer more.

Then next time you enter these toilets, you will be empty-handed. looking behind the door Instead, you can spend your time thinking about the reasons.

Cleanliness and hygiene

Having the doors open at the bottom actually makes the cleaning staff’s job much easier. Thanks to openness floor cleaning It is done faster and more effectively. Water and detergents accumulated during cleaning can also flow away through this opening.

public toilet door

In addition, the doors are not all the way to the floor, air circulation It also increases. While the accumulation of bad odors is prevented, the general hygiene level increases and a more comfortable environment is provided.


Why is the public toilet door not all the way to the floor?

It’s like being locked inside in case of emergency It also offers rapid intervention. Especially children can easily pass through this doorway. In addition, toilet users can be controlled from the outside in case they faint or experience similar health problems.

Let’s say inside water pipe burst and there was water everywhere. If the doors were like those at home, you might be stuck under water when you open the toilet door. However, when the bottom is empty, it is easier to see that there is a problem and there is a chance to intervene quickly.

waiting in line

public toilet hygiene

When someone occupies the toilet for a long time, we can easily see this thanks to the bottom gap of the door and intervene when necessary. That’s why it’s time waiting time is decreasing and general functioning is accelerating.


public toilet doors

Since these types of doors are lighter, they are generally cheaper. Also in areas where there should be many doors cost per door calculation is easier. In addition, maintenance and repair costs are also reduced.

Transportation from inside to outside

using public toilet

Running out of toilet paper? Immediately call out to someone or a friend for your needs such as toilet paper you can get answer. Or will they throw it from above and you will keep it, it will be a very long job?

We see that although it seems unimportant, it actually has a function. in our lives from practical solutions Thank you for reading another one this far.

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