This Altcoin’s Largest Community in China Has Stopped Its Operations: What’s the Reason?

PolkaWorld, the largest Chinese community in the Polkadot (DOT) ecosystem, announced that it has stopped its activities for various financial reasons.

PolkaWorld published it on its official social media account on September 15. in postlaunched by Polkadot OpenGov dispute between community members due to financial disputes He stated that they had to stop their activities.

PolkaWorld, which has been actively operating for 4 years, has made changes to the OpenGov system. rejection of formal funding application because of operating for 15 days He stated that they could not show it.

PolkaWorld says Polkadot’s reason for launching OpenGov is ecosystem management more decentralized and transparent He implied that the aim was to improve the situation, but the current situation was far from what was intended. OpenGov’s Polkadot treasury management productive And transparent Although it was intended to do, many people now treasury demands were rejected was among PolkaWorld’s statements. PolkaWorld is the subject of many people in this regard. left the ecosystem He said that this situation affects the contributors and organizations in the ecosystem the most.

At this point, implying that ecosystem participants should remember that they set out to improve Polkadot, PolkaWorld made the following statements:

If OpenGov leads to the loss of talented teams, we may be making a mistake.

PolkaWorld nevertheless joined OpenGov completely pessimistic from a point of view not to approach The system should only needs optimization defended. Based on PolkaWorld community suggestions will update its offer While stating that he asked the users not to vote according to the decision of the majority.

On the other hand, another Polkadot community brushfam founder of Markian Ivanichok made via social media explanation He reported that he left the Polkadot ecosystem. Similar to Brushfam’s PolkaWorld from financing problems complainant It was seen to be.

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