The world is not ready for this! NASA conducts asteroid exercise

NASA (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration)detects many asteroids in advance. Then he warns people about it. Now the space agency is conducting a survey to determine the impact of existing planetary defense systems. simulation prepared. The result did not go as expected. Here are the details!

NASA fails in meteorite simulation

The space agency NASA has prepared an exercise simulation to see how effective their defense systems are against meteorites. Researchers taking part in the exercise have seen a meteorite ready to explode over the USA. Ineffective with 10 megatons of TNT energy tried to make it.

From different institutions and states to the simulation more than 200 people joined. The mission to stop the nearly 70-meter meteorite failed. Drill, at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Washington. took place. It also happened both face-to-face and online.

What awaits us in the sky in November?

What awaits us in the sky in November?

In November, a total lunar eclipse, a huge star and three important meteor showers await enthusiasts.

Based on the exercise, NASA prepared a report. As a result of the report, humanity has yet to face the threat of a meteorite. not ready appeared. NASA researcher Emma Rainey made a statement. “Participants could do nothing to avoid the collision.”

This exercise is NASA’s best so far. fourth It was a defense simulation. Other simulations are 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2018 made during the years. However, emergency response teams took part in this simulation for the first time.

The world is not ready for this!  NASA conducts asteroid exercise

However, the simulation was an exercise that included not only the collision but also what would happen after the collision. While the participants struggled with the meteorite, they also struggled with the panic created by the news. Especially recently, NASA has accelerated its work to protect the Earth from a meteorite collision.

So, what do you think about this NASA meteorite simulation? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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