The Turkish equivalent of NFT has been revealed!

NFT has become very popular in recent years. These tokens, which confirm that a digital asset is unique and therefore not interchangeable, are a unit of data stored in a digital ledger called a blockchain, and are now appearing in all areas of life. So what does this term mean in our language? Request Turkish equivalent of NFT.

It was re-sold as NFT: The first tweet in history was officially garbage!

The first tweet in history by Jack Dorsey, who went on sale after being sold for $2.9 million last year, was almost garbage.

The Turkish equivalent of NFT has been officially announced

According to NTV’s news, the equivalent of NFTs in our language, which has recently come to the fore with the sale of astonishing figures, has become clear. President of the Presidency’s Digital Transformation Office, Ali Taha Koç, announced in his latest statement that the Turkish equivalent of NFT has been determined as “Qualified Intellectual Deed”.

By 2022, everything now has the potential to be sold as NFT. The most shared memes, movie scenes that have not been published anywhere before, and many unimaginable words, such as words, find their recipients in the form of NFT astonishing numbers.

What is NFT?

english Non-Fungible Token NFT means free token; This basically means it’s a one-of-a-kind digital asset that’s just yours. NFTs, which have become popular in both the financial and art worlds, are a unique identifier that can prove ownership of digital products.

NFT technology has become even more popular in that it makes it difficult to modify or imitate music, games, movies, and similar works of art. Representing a currency on the blockchain tokencan be traded in cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum or Bitcoin NFT Coin not possible. Because NFTs have a digital signature that cannot be copied.

So what do you think about this subject? What do you think is the maximum level NFTs can reach? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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