The new Clubhouse feature Wave is now available!

clubhouse, which emerged last week wave Surprisingly shortly after the leak feature opened for use. The interesting thing is that in the article written for the promotion of the feature on the company’s blog. Jane Manchun WongHe sent greetings to Well this is new Clubhouse voice chat feature What can we do with it?

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Private voice chat rooms are coming with Clubhouse Wave feature

leaked last week Clubhouse Wave feature Contrary to predictions, it is not used to invite friends to public chat rooms. The company, which published a long article on its own blog, first announced that the leaker Jane Manchun WongHe sent greetings to It’s also interesting that this greeting is linked to Wong’s Wave post.

The company, who wrote the article in a very entertaining way in the line of Clubhouse, explained that the feature was developed to create chat rooms between friends. Perhaps one of the biggest shortcomings of the app was that people couldn’t communicate outside of chat rooms. Users who were only listeners in these chat rooms are now private chat rooms can create.

Clubhouse didn’t forget to send their greetings to Jane Manchun Wong, who first leaked the Wave feature article

According to this clubhouseWith the eWave feature, it will also be possible to see which of your friends are involved in the application. Simply click on Clubhouse’s famous waving emoji to invite your friends to a private chat.

Clubhouse is working on a new invite feature

Clubhouse is working on a new invite feature

Clubhouse has started experimenting with a new invite feature. The Waves feature, which invites friends to join chat rooms, may be coming soon.

You can see which of your friends are in the rooms by navigating the clubhouse flow, that is, the corridor. Apart from that, you can send greetings to your friends in the application via the three dots at the bottom left of the screen. from a friend wave When it arrives, you need to approve the notification that comes to you.

While the Clubhouse is still popular, its biggest competitor is Twitter Spaces It is much more preferred these days. However, the Wave feature of the application took the competition to a much different point with its attack. In this sense, there is a possibility that Twitter will enable a similar feature for Spaces voice chat rooms.

According to the article, one can join multiple Wave rooms at the same time. When you want to leave these rooms, you can easily leave the rooms with the Wave control bar. When you put the application in the background, Clubhouse pauses the Wave feature to avoid being pulled into a room unintentionally.

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