The Most Reliable Artificial Intelligence Language Models Have Been Announced

Stanford University researched the world’s most reliable artificial intelligence language models. As a result of the study, Anthropic left its competitors behind.

published by Stanford University.AI Index 2024” report revealed striking details about the artificial intelligence industry, which has become an integral part of our lives. This time, Stanford University officials, who conducted a very detailed study, said: the most reliable artificial intelligence language models they determined.

Within the scope of the study, artificial intelligence language models, DecodingTrust policies tested in scope. Let’s explain DecodingTrust right away, this system uses artificial intelligence language models to ensure fairness, bias, privacy protection, security and safety. machine learning ethics scores on important issues such as. Based on this, Stanford University tested all known artificial intelligence language models.

Here are the world’s most reliable artificial intelligence language models

artificial intelligence model Points Received
Claude-2 84.52
Llama-2-Chat-7b 74.72
GPT-3.5-turbo-0301 72.45
Llama-2-13B-chat-GPTQ 71.99
Llama-2-13B-chat-AWQ 71.32
GPT-4-0314 69.24
Tulu-2-13b 66.51
Vicuna-13b-v1.3.0-GPTQ 65.96
Tulu-2-7b 63.56
Zephyr-7b-beta 63.24

According to the study, the world’s most reliable artificial intelligence language model is developed by Anthropic. Claude-2. This artificial intelligence language model managed to get 84.52 points in the tests it took. Second on the list, we see Meta’s Llama-2-Chat-7b model. Interestingly, OpenAI’s GPT-4 model in the middle ranks took place.


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Within the scope of the research, especially For GPT type models An important conclusion was made. According to researchers, GPT type artificial intelligence language models, producing biased output and they tend to leak private information.

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