The ‘Irrelevant Notification’ Ordeal From Twitter Ends!

Twitter, which has put many people into a nervous breakdown due to the irrelevant notifications it sends, is finally changing this situation. The platform, which wants to send more accurate and interesting notifications, will purchase a ‘notification company’ and seek ways to send accurate and relevant notifications to users.

Almost everyone gets it frequently and does not hesitate to complain. irrelevant Twitter notificationshas finally caught the attention of the social media platform. Most of the notifications sent by Twitter, which is one of the means of following the agenda of millions of people who have no business with phenomena or phenomena, were far from the focus of the user. However, the information that has now emerged is that the company has a new notification company. OpenBack shows that this situation will change with his purchase.

Mobile notification and interaction platform according to incoming news OpenBack‘I Twitter has announced that the notifications it sends to devices will be user-oriented in the future. Jay Sullivan, Head of Consumer Products at TwitterAccording to the statements of “Irrelevant notifications are distracting”, he said that they want to reach people with information even if they are away from the phone.

Twitter will send more ‘smooth’ notifications

According to the statements made by Sullivan, millions of people who visit Twitter every day through notifications, interesting notifications wants to send. In this direction, the social media giant, which has incorporated the mobile interaction platform OpenBack, plans to send the right notifications at the right time, giving importance to people’s privacy.

While Sullivan provides all the information about the purchase and the project, about which we have very limited information, people also think that the notification sound on Twitter will be changed.

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