The Goods of the Sinking Ship: Binance and FTX Compete for Voyager Digital’s Potential Assets

After Voyager Digital declared bankruptcy in the past few months, major stock markets are racing to buy the remaining assets from the company’s ruins.

Starting with the Terra (LUNA) crisis and hitting the lending platforms in the market like a domino financial crises He also seriously injured Voyager Digital and caused the collapse of the company. In statements made in recent weeks by Voyager’s lawyers, More than 22 different investors announced that it was interested in the organization’s potential assets after Voyager’s bankruptcy.

According to a recent Coindesk report, it is among potential investors. Binance and FTX including major cryptocurrency exchanges. After the news, Voyager’s VGX token is up around 50%. Moreover coinbase It was stated that the stock exchange was also considering bidding for these potential assets, but later abandoned this decision.

Purchase offers for Voyager’s potential assets September 6will be held in . If a winner cannot be determined by consensus At auction on September 29 A sale is planned.

Voyager, who rejected FTX’s public offer last month, explained that he saw the offer as “price killing”. Although there is no feedback from FTX on the subject, Bankman-Fried Voyager assets of the FTX exchange led by It is known that he is on the table and is preparing for a new proposal..

On the other hand Binance CEO CZ In an interview with the New York Times last week, he made the following statement regarding the Voyager issue:

We are interested in acquiring the potential assets of Voyager Digital and another bankrupt Celsius. Our team participates in all these bargaining conversations.

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