The First Trailer of Silent Hill: Ascension Has Arrived [Video]

The first trailer for Silent Hill: Ascension, the new Silent Hill project announced by Konami last year, has arrived. The production will be an “interactive series” where you can decide the fate of the characters.

Gaming giant Konami organized a special event for the iconic horror game series Silent Hill last year. Many new productions were announced at the event, including Silent Hill 2 Remake. One of them was Silent Hill: Ascension.

Silent Hill: Ascension is different from the other games in the series, “an interactive seriesIt aroused great curiosity as it would appear. Now, the first trailer from the production has arrived.

Trailer of Silent Hill: Ascension, where you will decide the fate of the characters

Konami and developer genvidshared the first trailer for Silent Hill: Ascension. The trailer of the series-inspired production allows us to take a look at many things, such as characters with its scary elements. In the video, we also get a glimpse of everything from what stories we might encounter to the kind of monsters we can expect from a Silent Hill game. Besides Konami and Genvid, Bad Robot Games is among the developers of the production.

The production can be described as an interactive series rather than a game. The actors (we can say the audience) control the course of the story during production. able to choose for themselves. In this way, he will be able to have control over the actions and consequences of the characters. The trailer doesn’t show what kind of interaction we will see in Ascension.

We can compare Silent Hill: Ascension to the games of the famous game developer Telltale Games. Telltale’s productions such as The Walking Dead games were known for delivering interactive experiences.


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No exact date has been shared for when Silent Hill: Ascension will be released; however year 2023 the future was expressed. The production will be published on its official site. However, we can say that it is likely to arrive for PC, consoles, mobile devices and TVs.

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