Jahrein and Enes Batur Caught Each Other on Social Media

Social media has reduced the distance between any two people to almost zero. So much so that you can post on a platform about the most “unreachable” person in the world today and see that person respond to what you wrote. Of course, this extreme sincerity (!) toxic and controversial area It also reinforces its feature.

Social media has been a popular publisher since yesterday jahrein Although he is no longer active, he was once Turkey’s most popular YouTuber. Enes Batur It hosts the debate between. It was seen that the two names, which have millions of followers, used extremely harsh expressions against each other from time to time during their fights on X.

jahrein would often text overdrama. I guess he has started to send more private messages to Onurcan lately. The messages he sent were things like “this happened, let me know”, “why hasn’t this happened yet been reported?” In other words, he was making us report the news.
After all, since he was a big broadcaster, the things he said were really newsable, and we were reporting the news, too. (no other publisher does this by the way)
The breaking point was Jahrein sending a message to Onurcana during the subathon saying that we had passed the sub record, I think it had already been passed 1-2 days ago. Onurcan also couldn’t prepare a post because the man has a job, he shoots on the set for 12 hours, maybe he doesn’t have time to come.
You may have noticed that we post a lot of news 3-5 days after it happened in overdrama. Because both Onurcan and I do not have the opportunity to work full time in overdrama. Overdrama is our hobby. The income from overdrama is literally zero.
We shared it on overdrama 8 days after Elraenn sub, which you give so many examples of, broke her record. You can go and check it out, everything is clear.
But Jahrein Onurcana sent a voice recording and directed his audience towards us because he could not wait even a day. He constantly accused us of making news about elraenn, which is not the case.
Some publishers may publish a lot of news from time to time, but neither Onurcan nor I have any connection with Elraenn, and Elraenn herself can come out and confirm this.
During the broadcast, he entered the overdrama Instagram page and, looking at our past news, constantly made statements such as “Elraenn ate, share” and directed his audience to spam us such comments.
Then he entered Onurcan’s personal Twitter and started to flood Onurcan and Elraenn’s audience record sharing. Onurcan shared things like “viewership reached 45k” and “viewership reached 55k” in tweets one under the other.
I will make a common sense sentence that everyone should normally be aware of:
Overdrama means Onurcan and Kleanin. But Onurcan does not mean overdrama.
Just like people working in big companies write “tweets are my own thoughts, they do not concern my company” in their bios. I am sure that Jahrein is very aware of this situation. But he deliberately ignores this common sense in order to direct his mass towards us and attack us.
Look, this is Onurcan’s personal Twitter. If he wants, he can pull his dick out, what do we care?
But Jahrein served this to his audience and made fun of us as if overdrama threw this in, now all Jahrein fans are even writing things like “did Elraenn reach 65k” in my comments. Unfortunately, you are idiots who are manipulating Jahrein.
By the way, while scrolling down to the overdrama page that was on the air, it says, “Look, they always shared Elraenn.” But when you go down, there is no missing news on the screen, news of one person comes up, news of another person comes from below, even that is a disgrace. Seeing this, I don’t understand how he wasn’t ashamed when he said, “They don’t share me, they just share Elraenn.” brazen dude.
After this disgusting mass manipulation, we came under great attack on Twitter and naturally we blocked all the attacking accounts. We’re already reporting for their own pleasure, and now we’re going to make them embarrass us?
what happened then?
Jahrein told Overdrama not to share me, and he threatened us in his broadcast, saying that if they share it, I will copyright it.
Jahrein started a magazine Twitter, you probably haven’t heard of it because it was like shit, its designs and what was its name, Dramaag? but it wasn’t enough,
Jahrein opened another magazine account as platcorn. They also started stealing the news from us. They downloaded the video with our logo and shared it themselves. There is a logo as big as a donkey, the text on the video is also copied, it’s very funny sjdgjdfk
Jahrein then attacked the panda, reigniting the old drama. And since we could not share this news, only platcorn shared it and he also enlarged that page by retweeting and quoting.
By the way, platcorn claims that it is independent and impartial in its banner and a thank you tweet.
For example, a tweet from the independent and impartial platcorn is as follows:
“Jahrein talked about his love for Risotto in his broadcast with Burhimum.”
Finally, Jahrein tagged Overdrama with the sound of us blocking someone and said “Huh?” he tweeted. As I said, of course we will prevent those who attack us.
As you can think, Jahrein’s aim here is to target overdrama again and have it lynched.
While Jahrein was promoting platcorn in his last broadcast, he also said “biased things” about us. An ungrateful and arrogant bastard.
Overdrama has never been anyone’s biased news page. We even turn down advertising offers from small publishers, even though we don’t make money.
If I were biased, why would I make biased news about Elraenn? I don’t even watch it. I’ll go and report on hype, gugucan, uthenera, kaanflix. Did you see us favoring one of these in the overdrama?
Onurcan and I say “let’s share” even the news of the publishers we hate.
Anyway, what can we say, they play and play for themselves in their own impartial magazine pages.
By the way, they blocked me after I told them that they stole the post sjdkgkdfk
Finally, I forgot to add, after Jahrein’s mass guidance, they started sending bot followers to my personal Instagram, bot likes to my tweets, replies with bot Elraenn, etc. and they continue xD

I only read it cursorily, but I’ve never seen a juicy orange in my life. I didn’t let anyone open a drama page. Furkhaan opened DramaG. He said, “Brother, they are doing a crazy job. If you have permission, I will open it.” I said here you go, you do it. I don’t even know who Platcorn is. I interpreted it as saying you were burned.

You kept writing to people to be on the agenda, and when it didn’t suit your job, you screwed up, “hypocrisy.”

You passed through 16 animals, from parrots to monkeys, to interact with. Do you think you have the right to talk about these issues? I hope your withdrawal journey is going well. Look at your joke. Infection.

Also, look at the perception you are trying to create, you are low-level. I don’t care if you try to portray me as someone I am not, the various manipulations for the interaction you are addicted to, the smear campaigns, the hatred you instill in your followers, the rights of everyone you target and engage with will be questioned one day. Go and heal your toxic neurological mind, don’t pollute social media.

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