The evolution of the appeal in the Epic Games-Apple case!

Epic Games with apple tensions persist. FortniteThe debate, which started with the abolition of the payment method and had progressed to the courts. The case, which was concluded in the past months, Epic Games did not please the front, and the company filed an appeal.

The first hearing in the past few days, apple completed in favor of the front. The company has delayed requests for payment methods.

Apple has activated the expected App Store feature

Apple has released an announcement to developers for the unique product pages feature that it announced at the WWDC21 event.

Apple won’t change payment methods for now

concluded in September and Epic Games‘of 9 out of 10 charges acquitted appleAgain, he appeared before the jury regarding the issue that was brought to the upper court. Epic Games While the front was renewing its claims, a new decision was taken regarding the payment method that the company had to arrange. With the application made by the Apple front, the necessary adjustments will take place after the appeal is over.


In this way, some time was saved. apple, on appeal, however, will also make efforts to reverse the situation. Evaluating the subject warmly apple The official made a statement to the press. The spokesperson, whose name has not been released, stated that they are still concerned about the regulations in payment methods and added:

Our concern is that these changes will create new privacy and security risks and App Store what he likes about is that it will spoil the user experience

Company although he won the court, he may have to make the necessary improvements in alternative payment methods. The fact that the company does not offer new ways to users is one of the complaints of other companies. Acting on the appeal, the tech giant is delaying the inevitable end, according to experts.


on the other side of the court Epic Games however, did not express an opinion on the subject. With its full focus on appeal, the company still apple claims that the front is trying to have a monopoly. While the federal court did not respond to these allegations, it is among the information that the appeal process can take quite a long time. The first information is that the litigation process could be delayed for a few more years. For now appleThe case went as ‘s wanted, let’s see exactly how it will turn out. Especially epic Games‘s gaining something from here can move the stones.

So what do you guys think about this? What do you think Epic Games, Apple Who is more right in his case? Do not forget to share your views with us.

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