TikTok Will Increase Maximum Video Duration Again

TikTok has rolled up its sleeves again to extend the video duration. This time, the company continues its efforts to test videos up to 1 hour. However, it is not clear when this feature will reach the end user.

TikTok, one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, is gradually extends video duration. As such, users can upload longer videos. Latest news: TikTok to extend video duration started working again is showing.

Making a new statement on the subject, the company stated that the maximum video length is for 60 minutes He announced that he started working on it. The new feature, which is stated to be still in the testing phase, is now available on TikTok. thoroughly It’s a clear indication that it will start competing with YouTube.

It is not clear when the new change will reach the user.

Although TikTok said it was testing the new feature, there is no word on when it will reach users. explanation didn’t. To be frank, 1-hour videos do not seem like an easy task. Because the maximum video duration that can currently be uploaded is 10 minutes. However, the company conducted a testing process with some content creators earlier this year. 30 minutes had tested the contents.


TikTok Did What We Expected from Google: ChatGPT’s Answer Will Also Be Shown in Search Results!

TikTok, social media in general changed course. The vertical video era of social media began with TikTok entering our lives. However, the company sees YouTube as a serious competitor, and at the point we have reached today, this competition is getting worse. in heat. Let’s see what will happen in the future…

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