Why Can’t We Sometimes Get A Song Out of Our Minds for Hours?

Have you ever been unable to get a song out of your head for hours, maybe days? Rest assured you are not alone. So why do some songs haunt us and what does the science say about it?

Think of that melody that suddenly pops into your mind when you wake up in the morning. This situation is usually “earworms” It is said. Even though its name sounds a bit strange, it is not the wolf you think.

This situation is experienced by 90 percent of people once a week. “stuck song syndrome”“cognitive itch,” and “repetition of musical images” are also given names.

What does science say?

The reason why a song always stays in our minds is actually quite interesting. psychological and neurological There are factors. Researchers have found that these songs often have repetitive melodies, has simple and catchy words states that it is. Additionally, these songs can often trigger an emotional response or memories.

Our brain remembers musical pieces with strong emotional connections more often.

listening to the same song over and over

A song you listen to with a loved one or a melody that reminds you of a special moment can stay in your memory for a longer time. emotional reactions It also triggers neurological activities and ensures that these songs remain in our minds.

With the activation of inter-neuron connections related to that song, especially the melodic structure and rhythm of the song triggers the reward center in the brain. dopamine secretion also plays an important role in this process. The “feel good” chemical also causes the song to be listened to over and over again. When this happens, it becomes firmly established in our minds.

Also our brain repeating patterns and patterns love. That’s why we remember repetitive melodies much more easily. You may be humming a popular or popular song on the radio all day long, even after hearing it once.

We also get into song repetition from psychological aspects.

From a psychological perspective, when we are stressed or thinking intensely, our brains kind of relaxation mechanism can gravitate towards these songs. Also, another reason why we can’t get a song out of our head is because we keep thinking about it.

how much “How do I get this song out of my head?” The more you think about it, the more that song stays in your mind.

Could you be overwhelmed or have any health problems?

Some experts, an overwhelmed mind He says that we may end up in this situation as a result. Have you ever gotten stuck on a song while mindlessly cleaning?

Some research shows that mental health problems can also cause this earworm. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) It is thought to involve situations that involve deep thoughts or deep thoughts.

stroke, cancer, epilepsy or migraine This may be one of the reasons for this seemingly simple phenomenon.

How do we escape?

song repeat

There are some methods to get rid of the endless loop. Among these, the best solution is to displace another earworm. Listen to a different song. Next thing you know, you’ve already forgotten the song you’ve been jamming to since the morning.

stuck in your brain listen to the whole song is another method. You can feel relief by completing this cycle in the brain. Finding activities that will keep the mind active is another practice.

Finally, some research shows that among the methods of getting rid of earworms: chewing gum It also shows that it is coming. Chewing gum may be interfering with the articulator muscles we use to sing.

With all this information, are you ready for the next earworm attack?

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