The Evolution of Digital Laughing: What Is Random Throwing?

With the increase in messaging applications and social media platforms, we are now messaging instead of meeting face-to-face or talking on the phone, and we send random messages while laughing during this messaging. Let’s take a closer look at the form of digital laughter, which is expressed as random or random laughter.

Today’s world is now called the digital age or the internet age. Like many other fields, our social life is now lived in the digital world. With the increase in social media platforms and messaging applications, they do not talk on the phone or meet face to face, instead, we text nonstop. When there is something funny while messaging, we randomly throw it.

The way of laughing, called random laughing or random throwing, is seen as the last state of digital laughing evolution. We made expressions with punctuation marks, used emojis and finally started laughing by putting random letters side by side. A new way of laughing will not come easily. what is random throw, what is the meaning of the word, Let’s take a closer look at why we are doing such a thing.

What does random mean?

Random is a english word. When we look at the meaning of the word random, we see random, random, haphazard definitions such as Players are already familiar with the word random because when you do not want to deal with the settings or mode of a game, you choose the random option and a random mode will open in front of you.

What is a random throw?

randomly throw

The situation expressed as random throwing or random laughing is a form of digital laughing. There is no specific pattern. Generally on a computer or mobile device keyboard most finger-friendly keys It consists of deriving a meaningless line of a certain length by using it repeatedly. It can be used in all messaging applications or social media platforms.

In general, it is random while laughing in private messages, but some users also share their posts on social media platforms. they use random to laugh. Sometimes even random smiles can be supported with emojis. The way of use is completely up to the users’ taste.

Why do we randomly assign?

randomly throw

We do not think that there is a sociological research on the subject yet, but we see that the oldest of the topics opened on the subject in forums and dictionaries was written in 2015. well The history of random laughing is not very old.

If you’re messaging someone using a computer keyboard add emojis almost as difficult as attaching a file to an email. It is possible to say that random laughter first appeared in this way. Since creating expressions with punctuation marks remained in the SMS period, it may have been desired to create a different smile.

When I look at mobile device keyboards, we encounter some difficulties. On mobile devices, the keyboard opens as a letter keyboard. Emoji keyboard or punctuation keyboard You have to tap a few extra keys to reach it. Therefore, it is much easier to laugh by pressing random keys on the letter keyboard that is already open.

Another answer to the question of why we throw random may be hidden in emojis. There are thousands of emojis we can use today, but these are Not very useful to most people. It is even known that some users judge other users over emojis. For this reason, it may be safer for some users to use random letters instead of the risk of using emoji.

Random laughing examples from different countries of the world:

laughing people

  • Spain: jajaja
  • USA: hahaha / LOL
  • South Korea: kkkkk
  • Nigeria: lwkmd
  • Greece: xaxaxaxa
  • Brazil: rsrsrsrs
  • Italy: ah ah ah
  • Israel: xa xa xa
  • Indonesia: wkwkwkwkwk
  • France: mdr
  • Iceland: hihi
  • Thailand: 55555
  • Denmark: hæ hæ
  • Japan: www
  • Turkey. asdfghjklkjhgfds

If we need to categorize the common random smiles used in some countries, we come across such a list. However, as we said before, throwing random means putting the meaningless letters side by side. Therefore you can create a line as you wish or you can always create your own signature creating a similar smile.

The digital world’s way of laughing What does random mean, throw random or laugh at random? We answered frequently asked questions such as: As the digital world and real life intertwine, our habits continue to change. You can share your favorite random smile in the comments.

Bonus: The phrase random laugh is one of the internet legends associated with Turks and Turkey abroad. Strangers even talk about the weirdness of this situation in memes like:

randomly throw

  • Foreigners: It says “hahaha” while the whole world is laughing, why can’t you be normal?
  • The Turks: asdfghjklkjhgfds

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