The Effect of Living in a Low IQ Society on Our Wellbeing Level

What makes societies different from each other? Why do some societies succeed in areas such as science, economy and art, while others suffer?

Although there are many different answers to this question, Smart Fraction Theory He argues that this situation is related to the intelligence levels (IQ) of societies.

This theory was first published in 2002 by an anonymous author using the name La Griffe du Lion. In the article “The Smart Fraction Theory of IQ and the Wealth of Nations” was put forward.

The basic assumption of the theory is; national wealth, workforce whose IQ is equal to or higher than the minimum value It is determined by its ratio to society.

According to theory, the higher the average IQ of the society, the richer the country will be.

This theory is basically based on the fact that the wealth of a country is related to the intelligence levels of the individuals that make up that country. directly proportional It says it is.

In other words, according to this theory, a society’s The level of intelligence affects the wealth of that society.

Positive developments are mostly seen in societies with high IQ levels.

In other words, the higher the IQ level of a society, the more It will advance in science, art, technology, economy and similar fields.

In summary, in countries where there are more intelligent people, there is more scientist, engineer and doctor It is argued that the development of the country will be directly proportional to the qualified workforce, as people will be trained in professions that require high levels of intelligence, such as.

Similarly, it is observed that negative events mostly occur in societies with low IQ levels.

According to theory, it is a very dangerous situation for a country if the intelligent people are in the minority. In a scenario where the social IQ does not increase or even declines, the situation where there are many groups that do not fall into the intelligent segment will cause the society to decline. to become more primitive It may even cause

Yes, we learned the theory. Now let’s take a look at IQ levels by country.

In the study prepared by the World Population Review, highest IQ The countries with the average are as follows:

  1. Japan (106.48)
  2. Taiwan (106.47)
  3. Singapore (105.89)
  4. Hong Kong (105.37)
  5. China (104.1)
  6. South Korea (102.35)
  7. Belarus (101.6)
  8. Finland (101.2)
  9. Liechtenstein (101.07)
  10. Germany (100.74)

lowest IQ The countries with this level are as follows:

  1. Nepal (42.99)
  2. Sierra Leone (45.07)
  3. Liberia (45.07)
  4. Guatemala (47.72)
  5. Cape Verde (52.5)
  6. Gambia (52.68)
  7. Nicaragua (52.69)
  8. Guinea (53.48)
  9. Ghana (58.16)
  10. Ivory Coast (58.16)

Turkey’s average IQ is 86.8! It ranks 77th in this ranking.

İlber Ortaylı

Now let’s look at the per capita national income data by country.

GNP world data

Again, according to World Population Review, highest per capita national income in dollar terms The countries are as follows:

  1. Monaco ($240,535.04)
  2. Liechtenstein ($197,267.66)
  3. Luxembourg ($125,897.20)
  4. Bermuda ($117,568.24)
  5. Norway ($106,622.83)
  6. Ireland ($105,993.27)
  7. Switzerland ($93,636.42)
  8. Canary Islands ($91,420.00)
  9. Qatar ($87,974.17)
  10. Singapore ($78,114.62)

Lowest national income per capita in dollar terms The countries that are are as follows:

  1. Burundi ($312.87)
  2. Yemen ($326.65)
  3. Afghanistan ($344.65)
  4. Sierra Leone ($404.54)
  5. South Sudan ($422.98)
  6. Central African Republic ($429.40)
  7. Madagascar ($505.04)
  8. Mozambique ($558.30)
  9. Niger ($588.17)
  10. North Korea ($590.45)

In Turkey, the national income per capita is $13,383.92! It ranks 89th in this ranking.

Özgür Demirtaş

To summarize; in society The density of intelligent people is the main determinant of the country’s prosperity. Smart Fraction Theory, which argues that

Having more qualified workforce in the country than the other segments of the society will definitely benefit development, but there are also factors that affect the economic welfare level of a country. It should not be forgotten that there are many factors.

of a country such as political situation, geographical factors, social norms and values. Since many situations will have an impact on economic and social development, it would not be correct to evaluate the level of economic welfare only based on the IQ level.

What are you thinking? How much do you think the economic prosperity and development of a country is related to the average IQ of the society?

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