“The Best Choice in an Inflationary System…”

macro strategist Lynn Aldenthinks Bitcoin (BTC) is the best ledger in a global economy powered by an inflationary system.

bitcoin In a recent interview with his advocate Peter McCormack, Alden thinks that BTC is an ideal solution to the problems of the current monetary system.

“The real problem is that we have an inflationary system. In developed countries this is problematic enough. In smaller and developing countries, we see much higher inflation on average, and they often have to live with hyperinflation throughout their lives. If they hold that currency, they lose their savings…

The other problem is that everything is subject to a permit. If you want to do something, you have to get permission from your bank. This permission is not really a problem in some countries, but in more authoritarian countries the pressure is much greater. The bottom line is that the system itself is a problem.

So it’s really bad for a lot of people around the world not to have advanced savings and payment technology and inflationary currencies, which is pretty obvious.”

Koinfinans.com According to Alden, money is essentially just a ledger and the creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamotohas designed the world’s best ledger for BTC’s portability, verifiable and transparent scarcity.

…Bitcoin is basically goldIt is faster than fiat money, but more auditable and more difficult than fiat money. It acts as its own decentralized transfer agent and registrar. This is great technology.”

You can follow the current price action here.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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