The Anti-Crypto Army as an Election Campaign from Senator Elizabeth Warren

US Senator Elizabeth Warren, known for her anti-crypto attitude, has put anti-crypto among her primary goals in her election campaign for the new era.

Warren, published recently on his official social media account. video with the new era election campaign that you started official aspect announced. Known for his anti-crypto sentiment, the senator has taken his steps to the next level. anti crypto One army stated that he would.

Much stricter for the industry regulations and a big insulation in the army that the senator said he would establish is not alone understood. Some banking lobbies. next to the senator alleged position Republican Senator John Kennedy some actors like Warren give open support preferred.

Kennedy In his statement on the subject, he made the following statements:

The important thing to me is that Sam Bankman-Fried scatters money like dishwater and no one questions his money or his company until they go bankrupt.

On the other hand, Warren’s spokesperson Alex Sarabia whereas Iranian And North Korea On the US side of the crypto money industry of countries such as trustworthy a halo not coming for they are lobbying And authorities between to spies that you have implied. Sarabia, cryptocurrencies similar risk other having same rules as entities under failure to execute no reason for not suggested.

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