Following the recent operations, it is safe to say that every step taken by social media influencers is being followed. Finally, journalist Emre Erciş brought up the 12 million TL vehicle purchased by Babala TV Founder Oğuzhan Uğur and asked for Uğur’s assets to be examined. Uğur answered this call.
Especially The operation against Dilan Polat Then, many social media phenomena started to catch people’s attention more. The existence of many phenomena began to be examined. Some influencers claimed that the gold and flashy vehicles in their videos did not belong to them.
Finally, journalist Emre Erciş shared the tax base that he claimed was related to Babala TV, owned by Oğuzhan Uğur, and that it belonged to Uğur. 12 million TL He also shared a visual of a vehicle and asked for Uğur’s assets to be examined.
12 Million TL vehicle question
Erciş used the following statements in his posts on X:
“Dear Oğuzhan Uğur, Babala TV made a loss in 2020 and made a profit of 211,365 TL in 2021. 52.841 TL You have paid taxes to your beloved state. In 2022, you made a profit of 409,764 TL and paid 94,245 TL in taxes. With this gain that I cannot understand 12 MILLION TL How do you get into this vehicle? I’m sure Feyza Altun, Murat Ağırel and Emrullah Erdinç are as curious as I am about the answer…”
Erciş also tagged Feyza Altun, who is Uğur’s partner, in another post. OSIS ProductionSharing his profit and the tax he paid, he asked how Uğur bought his vehicle. In another post, he wrote to Oğuzhan Uğur: “There is no company on your father. There is no company on your brother. There is no company on your mother.” BABALA TV, On top of you is OSIS Yapım, in which you are a partner with İlker Ayrık. Tax plates of BABALA TV and OSIS Production are in my visual. I have a very simple question for you. “With what profit did you buy the Range Rover jeep you ‘sold’ to your brother and the vehicle worth over 12 MILLION TL that you bought in August or September 2023?” asked.
Oğuzhan Uğur: “These tweets should be considered as notice”
Oğuzhan Uğur shared these allegations and said: “I think this gentleman’s tweet should be considered a report. Ministry of Treasury and FinanceRevenue Administration, Mehmet Şimşek Please examine me (again).” said. Ugur also “Tax Inspectors Association Achievement AwardsHe also shared the award they received in .
Oğuzhan Uğur has been working for many years music and cinema He was doing various studies in his field. Moreover YouTube Its publications have been continuing for a long time. A very small part of these activities are carried out under the umbrella of Babala TV and OSİS Production.
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