Tesla will fine an employee for racism

Despite the chip crisis and the market, Tesla, which broke a record in automobile sales, will pay an employee a penalty of $ 137 million. Tesla was sentenced by a federal court for racist abuse of an elevator operator at his factory in California.

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Court makes biggest decision on racial discrimination

Owen Diaz, who started working at the Tesla factory in 2015, applied to the court on the grounds that other employees verbally abused him and other black employees, and graffiti was drawn in the washrooms.

Diaz, who told the court that she had “sleepless nights” and lost her appetite, added that she had lost weight. Additionally, Diaz told Bloomberg that some days she would sit on the stairs and cry. After these allegations, the jury decided to impose a punitive damages of 130 million dollars on Tesla based on the report.

The federal court also fined Diaz an additional $6.9 million for emotional distress. David Oppenheimer, a law professor, told Bloomberg about this decision. David said it was “the largest decision regarding an individual racial discrimination in an employment case.”

Speaking after the conclusion of the case, Diaz also stated that Elon Musk did not contact him regarding the issue. How do you evaluate Tesla’s coming to the fore with such events?

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