Stories Showing Russia’s People’s Brainwashing

While the media in Russia is tightly controlled under the control of Vladimir Putin’s government, this is brainwashing many Russians. The biggest proof of this was revealed in the stories shared by the BBC.

It is an indisputable fact that the media in Russia has been under the control of President Vladimir Putin for a long time and there is propaganda that manipulates the public in the country. Of course, nowadays almost While there are organizations serving propaganda in every country The seriousness of the situation in Russia was shared with the stories of Ukrainians today.

The news published by the BBC World Service Disinformation Research Team stated that some people living in Ukraine and their relatives in Russia told their families that there was a war, attempt to convince them that Russia attacked them. tells. However, these people cannot convince their relatives despite the evidence they send.

They cannot convince their own parents:

Oleksandra (BBC)

For example, 25-year-old Oleksandra took videos showing the bombing of her city and sent videos to her mother. But the mother said that despite these videos, she was not convinced of her daughter. Oleksandra knew that such events that it happened by accidentthat the Russian military would never target civilians and That the Ukrainian army killed its own people he believed. Also, the mother said that the soldiers came to Ukraine to ‘liberate’ them, that they would not harm anything.

According to the BBC, Russian channels showed the cause of the war as Ukraine’s aggression and described it as a “special liberation operation”. in the Russian media where the words war, occupation and attack are banned While it is also known, the media organizations that utter these wordsDeliberately spreading disinformation about Russian soldiersIt is stated that he is in danger of being banned on the grounds of ‘.

russian media

Another story is from Mikhailo, whose father worked in Russia, who managed to get his family out of Ukraine. Expressing that his father never called him, Mikhailo explained that when he called his father and told him what had happened, his father said that these events were not true. His father said, “No there is no war, the Russians are liberating Ukraine from the Nazis” he said.

Another example, Anastasya, said that her family, who lives in the village in Donetsk and watches Russian channels, does not believe the situation. Anastasya, who called her mother at five o’clock in the morning, told her mother “Don’t worry Russia will never bomb Kiev” he said. When he told his mother that the bombardment had begun, “But that’s what we had to do when Ukraine bombed Donbas.” he replied.

You can reach the special news published by the BBC by clicking this link.


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