Statement from the President of YÖK About University Exams

President of YÖK Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar made a statement regarding the allegations that university exams will be abolished.

With the “Exam-Free Local Placement System”, which replaced the TEOG, the high school entrance exam in 2018, high schools have become schools that can be entered without an exam to a large extent. Recently, a statement concerning universities was also on the agenda.

In his speech at the group meeting, the Chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party Devlet Bahçeli said:The days when we will abolish university exams are not far away.” had used the words. Today, on whether there is such a plan or not. From the Council of Higher Education The explanation has come.

There is no preparation at the moment, if the President’s instruction comes, the work will begin:

President of the Council of Higher Education Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar met with Ankara representatives of media organizations at Hacettepe Beyaz Ev. Özvar made the following statement regarding the abolition of university exams.

“The methods of choosing and placing in universities can be different in the world. In some countries there is no general examination. Children apply to universities with the academic success they have demonstrated during their primary and secondary education, universities can make a choice by evaluating these students within themselves.

In countries like ours, a general university entrance exam is held. The reason why we do this is for those who want to access the university. number of candidates. Of course, the will of the politicians is important here.

In this respect If our President gives us an instruction, we can work on this issue. If our President has a will on this issue, we can carry out alternative studies on exams.

This system needs to be built as a whole. This is a job we can only do by evaluating all secondary and higher education as a whole. We do not have any preparations at the moment. We want to complete the 2023 placements first and then see the result.”

We seem to be following with interest for a while what developments will take place in the near future regarding exams in universities.


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