Statement by Minister of Health Koca on Violence against Health Care

Speaking at the Legal Protection of Healthcare Professionals Symposium, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca addressed the Minister of Justice and the Council of State and the Supreme Court. Minister Koca, who said that the rights of healthcare professionals should be protected, made a remarkable exit.

Minister of Health Fahrettin Kocamade statements regarding the agenda at the event called the Legal Protection of Healthcare Professionals Symposium. Minister Koca, who made a very clear speech on the violence against health workers, said, “health, healthcare we all need. Today, healthcare professionals need you. Please protect our rights.‘ he said.

Minister Koca thanked Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdag in his statements. The reason for this thanks is to the health workers. of violence to prevent were the works. However, Fahrettin Koca’s statements seem to reveal that the studies on the subject are insufficient. Because Big,Against violence in health I think we know what to do now.‘ he said in a striking way.

Will there be a new regulation?

Fahrettin Koca and Bekir Bozdağ were not only the names who attended the Legal Protection of Healthcare Professionals Symposium. From the Council of State and the Supreme Court There were also participations. The expressions in Minister Koca’s statement are as follows:Will there be a new regulation?” brought the question to mind. However, for now, there is no explanation about it. out of question.


Ministry of Health Repeated the Problem That Has Been Voiced for 10 Years: Insufficient Number of Personnel

Healthcare professionals have been on the agenda for a long time. because coronavirus pandemichas put the personnel in a very difficult process. In recent times violence news started to come one after another. One of the things brain migration It has a side. President Erdogan recently in the statementsIf they go, let them go” he said… On the other side, about personal rights discussions continue. Wondering how things will settle down…

You can watch the statements of Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca at the Legal Protection of Healthcare Professionals Symposium below:

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