Starbucks May Progressively Remove Its Iconic Cups

Starbucks is preparing to go through a new regulation regarding its iconic cardboard and plastic cups loved by many of its customers. New applications are quite remarkable in order to prevent disposable cups from turning into waste afterwards.

Nature continues to be polluted more and more every day. Single-use plastics play a major role in increasing this pollution. While plastics thrown into nature endanger the lives of many animals; The whole world is on its way to becoming a big garbage dump. Although many companies have reduced the use of disposable products to a minimum, every day is still hundreds of thousands of waste released to nature.

Starbucks is preparing to take a step to replace the iconic disposable cups used in it. Although many customers like the glasses with the Starbucks logo on white on cardboard cups or the glasses with special holiday themes and the transparent plastic cups for cold drinks, the company is aware that these glasses turn into waste and circulate on the streets and avenues. For this reason, Starbucks has decided to use it instead of disposable cups. new methods started working on it.

Borrow glasses from Starbucks?

Michael Kobori, Head of Sustainability at Starbucks “Our trophy is everywhere and we love it. But the same cups are disposable and end up in landfills, on the streets and in the waters when thrown away. Some can recycle, but recycling ends up in the garbage. Eliminating the disposable cup is the only option” with his statement, we may meet in the future. gave the first signals about glasses.

One of the solutions the company has found to prevent this waste is for customers to borrow mugs from Starbucks. With this new application, which is said to be in the testing phase, customers can use their coffee instead of cardboard cups. in the Starbucks glasses they borrowed can drink. In order not to encounter situations such as customers not returning the glass, the company will take a certain amount of deposit from customers who want these glasses. This deposit will also be refunded when customers return glasses. Of course, according to rumors, this is not the only solution for the company’s waste glasses.

Will the iconic Starbucks cups be removed?


During the pandemic, Starbucks prohibited customers from bringing their own mugs. According to the news, the company can serve customers’ coffee even if they order in advance or by car. in their own cups plans to enable them. It is said that the company will make this innovation available in Starbucks stores in the USA and Canada by the end of next year. To phase out the use of cardboard cups, even when these practices are implemented customers who want he will still be able to take his drink in cardboard and plastic cups. The company plans to phase out the use of these glasses.


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Starbucks, which carried out a test for this purpose again last year, of 100 disposable cups He had developed a glass that could replace it. In the test program held in Seattle, customers 1 dollar deposit When they returned the glass they had by paying to the smart box in the store, they could get back the 1 dollar they had paid. The company thinks it’s getting a lot of attention in the Seattle store, but still many customers may not want to participate in the practice.

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