Spotify is transitioning to the video podcast era!

Spotify, the music that entered our lives in 2006, continues to grow. The application, which is currently the most preferred music listening platform in the world, continues its efforts to attract more users. The company, which recently invested 1 billion dollars for podcast-oriented content, is now preparing to produce video content.

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Video podcasts via Anchor are now on Spotify

Spotify continues to take new steps to diversify the usage feature of the application. The company has been making moves to increase podcast broadcasts for a long time. In 2019, he bought podcast company Anchor and included it on the platform. Spotify, which wants to attract podcast content producers to the platform, started to accept podcast subscriptions last August. With podcast content, users can open a door of income with their broadcasts, and they can actively use the application with its question-answer and survey features.

The company announced today that they are stepping into a new order for content creators to start streaming their video podcasts. It will provide the new feature with the podcast company Anchor, which they have previously acquired. Now, publishers producing podcast content within Spotify will be able to publish their videos as well as their audio recordings on their own accounts. Followers will be able to watch podcast broadcasts via mobile application or web address. Spotify, which can be a new income source for content producers, also leaves the in-subscription pricing to the publishers.

However, this feature is only coming gradually. Streamers who want to produce content for Spotify must sign up for the waiting list for now. Enrollment on the waitlist begins on Thursday. First of all, Spotify exclusive content includes The Joe Rogan Experience, video podcasts like The Ringer’s “Higher Learning with Van Lathan and Rachel Lindsay, as well as Philip DeFranco, Jasmine Chiswell, The WAN Show, Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald and more names for Spotify. content creators. Spotify had previously taken steps for video content, but failed. It is a matter of curiosity how the current steps will turn out.

Do you think Spotify will be successful with this step? Interested in this feature? We welcome your thoughts in the comments section.

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