Spanish Telecom Giant Partnership with an Altcoin for Web3!

Giant telecommunications company Telefonica has partnered with Chainlink (LINK) to increase security in transactions.

A remarkable partnership has been established between Telefonica and Chainlink. by Telefonica Thursday, February 15 In the official statement made today, in order to make real-world telecommunication transactions more secure, blockchain It was stated that integrations will be made on .

The first move to be made in this direction is a mobile network “Global System for Mobile Communications Association Open GatewayIntroduced by SIM SWAP API will include. Thanks to SIM SWAP API integration, it will be aimed to protect users against “sim fraud” theft in their individual and banking transactions.

Chief Operating Officer of Chainlink Labs Johann Eid In his statement on the subject, he stated that this step was critical for user security:

Bringing Telefonica’s OpenGateway APIs on-chain with Chainlink Functions unlocks new use cases and greater security for our industry that better protects users and their assets.

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