Social Media Makes You Feel Unhappy About Money

Social media makes you feel more unhappy about your financial situation, according to a new study by Bankrate. In addition, if you have purchased products from social media and regretted it, you are not alone in this regard.

You may have seen, liked and purchased any product in an advertisement on social media. You may also be dissatisfied with one of these purchases later, due to the quality of the product or not being as you expected. Even because of what you see in influencers’ built-in advertisements. You may have felt yourself literally at the ‘bottom’. You’re not alone in this, according to a new study.

Research by Bankrate revealed that social media harms both your wallet and your financial happiness. According to the answers given by 2,664 people who participated in the research, at least half of the participants purchased a product through an advertisement they saw on social media. % of purchasers64 regretted at least one purchase. But the research revealed even more.

The posts we see on social media make us think badly about our financial situation:

The research gave important clues about the effect of social media sharing on people, as well as the rate of purchase and regret from advertisements.

  • 47% of millennials, 46% of millennials, 31% of millennials, and 22% of previous generation (baby boomers) are about their financial situation because of what another person has shared have negative feelings stated.
  • More than 64% of parents with children under the age of 18 who log onto social media say that online content is more about their children’s money. having unrealistic expectations He said he believed he had contributed.
  • 22% of millennials, 14% of millennials, 7% of millennials, and 7% of baby boomers reflect their wealth and achievements that you aim shared.

Bankrate analyst Sarah Foster made the following comments on the results:

“By design, social media is a notebook for only the best part of users’ lives. Every post, image or update affects viewers. Social media is essentially the new roadside billboard, but it achieves the goal of traditional advertising in a much more wasteful way.”

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