Should We Continue to Use Technological Devices That Get Hot?

Have you ever thought about why computer fans overclock during long hours and consecutive commands? In fact, this is a sign that the device is doing its best to stay cool without sacrificing performance. But what if this fan did not exist and the computer continued to run at excessive temperature?

Sometimes, the technological devices we use get very hot. We do not allow them to rest and do not seek a solution to help them cool down. We just keep using them and don’t pay much attention.

However, persistently continuing to use heated tools, She can knit some socks for us.

Heat is not limited to melting parts of technological devices.

overheating problem, short circuits or even your device bursting into flames. It may even cause Because a short circuit occurs when electricity strays from an unintended path due to exposed wires or damaged components.

High temperatures also cause cables to expand or contract and weaken the insulation. potential electrical glitches creates. When this happens, things get even worse.

Essentially, most electrical components inside devices are designed to adapt to regular ambient temperatures without causing malfunctions.


But extreme situations occur when the temperature is much higher than what a device would experience under normal conditions. For example, excessive heat can ignite flammable materials. fires in electronic devices may trigger.

On the other hand, most devices contain transistors and silicon-based microchips. These are like the brains of the devices and are very sensitive to temperature. However, with daily use they can be exposed to excessive heat and therefore performance slowdowns, response delays and temporary/permanent malfunctions visible.

Excessive heat also affects the screens of devices.

overheated phone

When the screen of a mobile phone, computer or tablet is exposed to high temperatures, it fogs up, similar to a window fogging in extremely hot conditions. Naturally, this effect is reduces the clarity of the screen.

In addition, continuing to use the device when it becomes very hot may cause permanent damage to the screen; dead pixels, color distortions and touch sensitivity. can issue an invitation.

extreme heat

In summary, considering that technological devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, Being able to establish the balance between devices and high heat is of great importance.

In order to prevent high temperatures, do not use the devices even though they are heated, do not leave them under the sun, Clean regularly and turn on cooling fans to prevent dust formation It is one of the most effective solutions.

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