Why Do We Insist on Eating Bitter Even though It Makes Us Uncomfortable?

Many of us; We continue to eat bitter food, knowing that our tongue will burn, our eyes will water, and even our stomach will hurt. So why do we insist on consuming something that bothers us so much?

This must be exactly what it feels like to enjoy pain, so to speak. Even though we argue that we consume pain because we love it, Seriously, how logical is it to suffer unbearable pain?

In fact, behind this behavior There are reasons we don’t know at all.

The state of enjoying pain is known as benign masochism.

In fact, pain and pleasure are interconnected in the brain. feeling of pain, release of endorphins in the central nervous system Allows. At the same time, in such situations, dopamine and serotonin hormones, which make people feel good, are activated, just like endorphins.

In addition, this endorphin hormone, human when you feel overly excited or overjoyed is also secreted. In other words, the more this hormone is secreted in our body, the happier we feel.

According to the theory of benevolent masochism The reason why some pain brings happiness This is it.

Going back to the spicy food part, there is another theory that explains this preference.

Chili pepper

This view points to the antibacterial properties of spicy foods. People noticed this feature over time and have a cultural and genetic preference for spicy foods They may be.

On the other hand, the sense of taste, The food we eat activates the taste cells on our tongue and triggers the nerves going to the brain. occurs. Again, when our taste buds encounter bitterness, this is also transmitted to our brain as a sign that the food is cleaner.

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