Short Term Outage on Ethereum Mainnet: What Happened?

The 25-minute glitch on the Ethereum (ETH) mainnet was fixed before it became a serious issue.

11 May 23.00 CET around the Ethereum mainnet 25 minutes There was an ongoing disruption. In this process, the network continues to produce new blocks. while This blocks could not complete. On the other hand, after a short time, the network started to complete transactions automatically, preventing a noticeable disruption and the problem was fixed before Ethereum transactions were affected. The only negative effect felt in the 25-minute period without the slightest slowdown observed in network operations. it consisted of.

Statement on the subject Ethereum developersare aware of the problem when specifying mentioned that such issues are important for testing the robustness of the network:

The mainnet has currently experienced a period of temporary incompleteness. It sets a good example for the strength of the chain. Although there was some slowdown in blocks, transactions continued to operate as usual. We’re back to normal now.

The inability to complete blocks has caused serious problems on similar blockchains in the past. Left (LEFT) network had to be stopped and restarted many times due to similar situations, and this is not only for the image of the project but also for the instant SOL price. negative was reflected.

Also, such situations malicious validators. change the transaction information in the incomplete blocks and gain in their favor, or attacking the network carries such risks. on the other hand Proof Of Stake A component of the (Proof of Stake) mechanism, which ensures that blocks are protected and work securely. Casper consensusmanages to protect and sustain the Ethereum network in such situations.

co-founder Vitalic Buterine‘of 2016 This innovative feature, which he mentioned even in his articles on medium in 2009, prevents the malicious behavior of network validators by burning the assets they have invested for PoS in case of a possible attack. This is the blockchain security increases and makes the network more decentralized.

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