“Sexsomnia” That Drives a Sleepwalker to Have Sexual Intercourse

We all have rough nights sometimes because of our sleeping habits or sleeping partners. Types of sleepwalking such as sleep talking and sleep walking are also commonly known among sleep disorders. What about having sex in your sleep? Is it really possible to have sex while sleeping?

Since approximately one-third of our lives are spent sleeping, sleep disorders are directly related to our quality of life. Especially in recent years, increased quality of life There is also an increase in interest in sleep disorders. These studies sometimes reveal new sleep disorders.

One of the sleep disorders parasomnia (sleep/night terrors) Sexsomnia is a disorder also known as sleep sex. Some of you may know the name of this even if you haven’t experienced it. Because there are people who are sued due to sexsomnia disorder. You can understand why better when you read our content.

What is sexomnia, where all kinds of sexual behavior occurs?

Sexsomnia is the medical term for engaging in activities such as masturbation or sexual intercourse while sleeping. Night terror disorders include talking or walking while sleeping. Sexomnia, which can be quite annoying in this terror, occurs when the person gets stuck between REM and non-REM sleep stages.

“Could I have sexomnia?” If you are looking for an answer to the question, you need to ask this to your sleeping companion. Because people suffering from sexomnia are unaware of the sexual movements they make during sleep and when they wake up in the morning, doesn’t remember any of it. Of course, these actions are actions that the person has never done before or Movements he would never do while awake It may also happen.

Studies on sexomnia show that men are more prone to this disorder and most common in young adult males It turned out that it was seen. But there is little information about how common it actually is. Researchers think that the incidence of sexsomnia is lower in people who do not have sleep problems.

Sexomnia is more than just dreams about sex.

sleep sexy

A person who has dreams about sex may be performing some actions in his dream. However, the symptoms of sexomnia are different from this. Those who have sex in their sleep; more aggressive, shy or dominant It may also happen. In addition to having sexual intercourse while sleeping, pelvic thrusting movements, encouraging the partner to engage in foreplay, and behaviors that imitate sexual intercourse are also among the symptoms of this disease.

The person’s eyes are open and during intercourse staring blankly It is also possible. Spontaneous orgasm, moaning and not responding to the partner during sex are typical symptoms seen in sexomnia patients.

Why would someone have sex in their sleep?

Many reasons listed among sleep disorders are actually also valid for sexsomnia. Behavior and lifestyle may contribute to stress, It is shown as one of the prominent symptoms of this disorder. Those who use certain prescription drugs or excessive alcohol may also have sex in their sleep. Anxiety, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, Anxiety, mood disorders, relationship stress and lack of sleep are among the triggers of sexsomnia.

Head injuries, Parkinson’s disease, restless leg syndrome, reflux disease, migraine, Sleep-related epilepsy and sleep apnea are also symptoms caused by medical conditions.

Jan Luedecke, arrested for sexsomnia

sleep sex case

While some sexomnia patients may be harmless, legal problems may arise in some cases. suffering from sexsomnia a person sued There is also.

In 2003, Jan Luedecke, who was drinking alcohol and having fun with his friends in Canada, fell asleep on the couch at his friend’s house at night. He is trying to have a relationship with a girl he doesn’t know. He wakes up when she kicks him off the couch, but he goes to his parents’ house a few blocks away and continues sleeping.

After the girl complained, they arrested someone for sexual assault. Luedecke, vaguely remembering trying to put on a condom. “That person could be me.” He gives a voluntary statement by saying.

When Luedecke said that he did not remember anything during sleep, Sleep Disorders Specialist Dr. Directed to Colin Shapiro. As a result of the tests carried out in the sleep clinic laboratory, it turns out that Luedecke suffers from sexsomnia and is released.

Sexsomnia can last a lifetime if left untreated.

sleep laboratory

To treat sexomnia, the underlying cause must first be treated. And also medications such as antidepressants, One of the treatment methods. For people experiencing extreme pressure therapy and stress management It is recommended. Additionally, some studies show that obstructive sleep apnea treatment significantly reduces sexsomnia attacks.

Those who have sex disorders during sleep, stimulation by partners It is important to start treatment as soon as possible. Therefore, if you see your partner unhappy in the morning, it is useful to ask what happened at night. 🙂

Bonus: This disorder was discussed in House MD:

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