Secret Invasion’s Credits, Artificial Intelligence

The Secret Invasion director explained that the frames we saw in the credits of the series are the product of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence technologies have now even started to produce videos. Videos produced with these technologies often go viral on the internet. Of course, while the blessings of this technology have reached us all. the movie industry began to eat its fruit.

The latest example of artificial intelligence in the cinema industry is the new series of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. at Secret Invasion appeared before us. The first episode of the series aired on June 21. of the credits It was announced that it was created with artificial intelligence.

These frames are the product of artificial intelligence:

Speaking to Polygon, director and executive producer Ali Selim said that the sequence we saw a part of above. by Method Studios He shared that it was created with artificial intelligence. He stated that the theme fits the shapeshifting, which is one of the basic building blocks of the series.

Moreover, this work they did with artificial intelligence, like all of us He also shared:

“I don’t understand how artificial intelligence works. We would talk to the studio about ideas, themes and words, and then the computer would do something. Then we changed it a little bit using words.”


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