Scientists Discover Galaxy Without ‘Dark Matter’

Researchers have discovered a galaxy formation known as the ‘skeleton’ of the universe, where the dark matter that binds objects together is largely absent. With previous discoveries in this area, new questions have arisen about dark matter theories that are extremely difficult to answer.

With the development of technology, space exploration gains an increasingly exciting dimension, and the veils of mystery behind some mysterious events are also being opened. In the news we published today, we shared with you the explanations made about the mysterious ‘cube’ discovered on the Moon. Now scientists have discovered a new interesting formation in the universe.

Astronomer at the Kapteyn Institute for Astronomy at the University of Groningen Flippo Fraternal and his research team discovered half a dozen very interesting galaxy formations three years ago. The researchers later deduced from their data that the ‘dark matter’ density of these unusual and ‘dispersed’ galaxies was extremely low compared to normal.

So what is this ‘dark matter’?

Image of the discovered galaxy.

There are dozens of articles written so far about ‘dark matter’, which has a mysterious position in the scientific world. However, to summarize briefly, dark matter; which does not reflect or emit light, cannot be viewed by any means of observation, but effect on surrounding objects. detectable in the universe aggregate of particles can be defined as

For a while, scientists saw dark matter as a ‘skeleton’ that holds the objects in the universe together. This skeleton of the universe a main ingredient was thought to be. However, this new discovery shows that dark matter does not have to be everywhere in the universe. In recent years, galaxy formations in which dark matter is present in very low proportions have been observed.


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With this discovery made by Fraternali and his team, although there is no such thing as rewriting dark matter theories, it was once again revealed that more work needs to be done in this area with new question marks.

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