Scientific mistakes in movie and TV series scenes

A film or soap opera while you watch scientific errors Have you ever noticed it being done? Geneticist Dan Koboldt‘s attention that he even wrote a book on the subject. Putting the Science in Fiction In his book, the author penned down common scientific misconceptions seen in movies and TV shows. The aim is for screenwriters to biology, physics and engineering to help them write more accurately about areas such as

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Scientific mistakes in movie and TV series scenes

Whether it is a popular movie watched by millions in the cinema or a popular TV series, the productions on this list are home to many mistakes. Here are some of the scenes in question…

Star Wars series

Star Wars (Star Wars) movie series with millions of fans worldwide. Subject with space Star Wars has become an easy target when there is a misconception about it. Because there are many errors in this regard.

Scientific error in Star Wars

Return of the Jedi (Return of the JediLet’s remember the part. We also remember the Death Star that exploded in the scene at the end of the episode. For this scene, Koboldt said, “Not everything explodes in space. Because if you want to blow something up in space, to oxygen it means you need it. Space is a void.” said.

Nor do you hear the Death Star explode. Again Koboldt said, “You won’t hear anything because sound, It cannot move forward in a vacuum.” explains as.

Spider-Man is also included in this category.

Spider-Man Let’s come to the (Spider-Man) series now. This movie is included in our list of scientific errors in movie and TV series scenes. So, what mistake is there? many productions, be interesting and to become extraordinary for basic sciences ignores it. However, such mistakes or deliberate mistakes of course attract the attention of someone.

Scientific error in Spider-Man movie

The movie stars Peter Parker in the lead role. a radioactive spider biting. Later, Parker gains the spider’s abilities and his life changes. If in real life mutations leads to very different results.

Koboldt said, “If it’s a bad mutation, cell dies. If this is a good mutation, the cell will usually grow into a to the tumor transforms.” explains as.

A series is also on the list: CSI

Geneticist author, a popular TV show in the US Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) makes an informative comment. 24 Emmy and 6 Golden Globe AwardThere are also errors in the nominated series. The theme of the series is investigations at the crime scene.

What is a CSI array?

Koboldt watched an episode of CSI. However, a DNA sample taken by a person how it looks His subject of guesswork caught in his criticism. Because this cannot be done in real life. “As a geneticist, you’re likely to have a DNA sample,” Koboldt said. ancestral We can say for sure what it is. But based on this their full view would be very difficult to predict. Because most of these are very complex features.” said.

Funny mistake in the epidemic movie

built in 1995 Outbreak There is a rather ridiculous and simple scientific error in the movie (The Epidemic). famous actress Dustin Hoffmananimated by Sam Daniels, just by looking through the microscope mutate he sees it coming. But that is not possible!

Scientific mistakes in the epidemic movie

World Science Festival“The vast majority of viruses with optical microscope is too small to be seen. motaba If the virus is as small as the Ebola virus, you can only use it as a electron microscope You can see it in detail.” made a statement.

If there are similar errors that attract your attention, we welcome your comments…

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