Schools Holiday in 8 Provinces Due to Snowfall

The black winter caused the schools to be closed in some cities today, after yesterday. According to the statements made, there are school holidays in 8 provinces. Here are those cities and counties…

Black winter has taken over Turkey again. Cold air wave, rains and life all over Turkey, albeit partially to the disruption caused. In fact, in a news we shared with you yesterday, we mentioned that schools are on holiday in some provinces and districts. Today Again We are here with similar news..

For reasons such as the risk of snowfall and icing Schools were suspended in 8 provinces. In some places, there are holidays throughout the province, while in some there are partial holidays. If you wish, without further ado, let’s take a look at the provinces and districts where schools are suspended.

Provinces and districts where schools are closed (March 4, 2022)

Ardahan: Schools across the city were closed.

Bitlis: Schools were suspended in Merkez, Tatvan, Mutki and Hizan.

Burdur: School holidays across the city.

Denizli: Schools within the scope of bussed education in Acıpayam, Çameli and Kale districts were suspended.

Giresun: Schools were suspended in Camoluk and Espiye.

Sparta: Yesterday was vacation. Today, there is a holiday throughout the city.

Konya: Schools are closed in Ahırlı, Derbent, Derebucak, Hüyük, Ilgın, Beyşehir, Yunak, Doğanhisar, Tuzlukçu, Halkapınar and Akşehir. In Sarayönü, Altınekin, Bozkır and Ereğli, some schools providing bussed education and some schools in Cihanbeyli were closed.

van: Schools were suspended in Baskale district.

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